As everyone knows, the pink ribbon is instantly recognisable. Breast cancer is currently the second highest cause of death in women (the first being heart disease). The likelihood of you or someone you love developing breast cancer is very high, currently the statistic being 1 in 8 women. This translates to many women being diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. We all know someone who has found herself face to face with breast cancer, affecting not only the individual, but every member of her loving family as well.
The good news about breast cancer is that preventative care and early detection are saving lives of women. Also, if you were or someone you love was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, it is important to know you’re not alone. The Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign has not only spread the word about this important disease, but has galvanised the establishment of numerous breast-cancer resources of support and assistance across the country. So for this month of October, show your support for Breast Cancer Awareness by getting your mammograms or self examination, educating yourself and those you love, and simply support the campaign by wearing pink. Remember that knowledge is power. So spread the word.

Every year in October, Kustie joins the worldwide movement to help increase awareness and support for the early detection and treatment of breast cancer. This year, we make it different. We will support by contribute to Breast Cancer Foundation. RM 5 of the every 🛒 October Pink Month Set you purchase will go towards supporting the cause.
We are happy to be part of this and we thank you for your help by becoming a bearer of hope and light in our community.